Loud video warning but i just love the clinking wooden beads make



video description: a person grabs a deck of cards from a shelf with multiple decks and pulls out a deck that says “Bicycle Hypnosis” on the box. The back of each card features rings in dark blue, teal, and yellow, designed to look like they’re moving hypnotically when the cards are moved around. The person proceeds to shuffle the cards and do other tricks with them that make satisfying sounds and mesmerize the eye. / end description]

y’all have got to listen to this God Tier Crackle

(video description: a fireplace full of glowing embers that someone throws a large piece of newspaper onto; you can hear the tearing of paper and plop as it lands. A whoosh as it catches fire and a burst of yellow flame; it burns quickly and then the sheet folds up into smoldered black with glowing orange corners that make an exquisite crackle sound for the rest of the video. / end description)





Unmute !

That purr is almost ethereal, my goodness

Fun fact: cheetahs are the only big cat that can purr

Fun fact: cheetahs are not big cats (different genus)